What You Can Do

Abandonment/ran away from home because of abuse or neglect

  • Step 1: find out what has happened to the child
  • Step 2: Gain enough trust for them to feel safe to follow you to a safer location if needed. If in a safe located already, still try and gain their trust.
  • Step 2.5 :Treat any wounds they may have and feed them
  • Step 3: Call the local authorities, if the child doesn’t want to leave with the officers then go with the child. Don’t try and force him or her to do anything as it will most likely break the trust between you and the child.
  • Step 4: When the officers ask for a statement tell them everything you know that the child has told you. If someone comes to claim the child and the child is visibly scared of the person, don’t let them go back to them as they may be the child’s abuser.
  • You see the maltreatment happening

  • Step 1: Call the police and try to intervene. (If physical abuse is happening, get the child away from the abuser as quick as possible) keep the operator on the line so that they can listen in and hear what is going on.
  • Step 2: (Pertains to physical abuse only): If the situation arises that you have to take the child and run, do so and fast.
  • Tell the operator that should still be listening in hopefully that you are running and where you are.
  • Step 3: Once in a safe location, comfort the child and wait for police to arrive. While waiting check the child for wounds while still keeping your guard up as the abuser may still be able to find you.
  • Step 4: When the police arrive, keep the child with you, and if the abuser tries to come claim the child, or another person or people tries to and the child is visibly terrified of them, ask the child if the person that has come to claim them has hurt them. If they say yes make sure to get an officer and keep the child with you for their protection.
  • You can also help by volunteering at fasilities that specialize in the reabilitation and protection of maltreated children (E.g. Kid's Harbor) as well as what is listed in the picture provided from the CDC.