About Me UwU

What I like to do

Lindsey Soltis

Why Coding?

I love the mountains and in the future want to live there, hiking and rock climbing is something I really quite enjoy when I can visit the mountains. I also love playing video games, watching Anime, and reading books/manga. I’ve been apart of a school choir since I was in elementary school and have loved every second of it. Music and books are my safe haven when I just need to get out of reality or block out the world and forget whatever was troubleing me.

Selfie of me in the mountains in front 
                                                                                                of a small waterfall with trees around while hiking

I want to go into coding because with it you can create and help people with a lot of different things. In today’s day and age, technology is an integral part of our lives as well as our society, and since i’m curious by nature, these types of things peek my interest and are fun to me. I love building and creating stuff, but also destroying stuff to see how it works. So if you think about it, coding was the obvious choice in my case.